Test Report: JUnit v.s. TAP

難度: 簡易

目標: 瞭解 Jenkins 的測試報表(Reporting)功能。

使用 YSlow for PhantomJS。

PhantomJS is a headless WebKit with JavaScript API. YSlow for PhantomJS is a command line script that allows page performance analysis from live URLs, unlike YSlow for Command Line (HAR) where a pre-generated HAR file is needed in order to analyze page performance.



  1. 新建 Free-Style Jenkins Job:YSlow
  2. 執行 Shell 指令檢查 phantomjs 版本
  3. 下載並解壓縮:http://yslow.org/yslow-phantomjs-3.1.8.zip
  4. 執行 phantomjs 產生 JUnit 格式的測試報告 yslow.xml
  5. 使用 Post-build actions 發佈 JUnit 測試結果報告
  6. 改用 TAP Test Results 輸出測試結果

PhantomJS + YSlow 指令範例:

# junit
phantomjs yslow.js -i grade -threshold "B" -f junit http://localhost:8080/ > yslow.xml

# tap
phantomjs yslow.js -i grade -threshold "B" -f tap http://localhost:8080/ > yslow.tap

results matching ""

    No results matching ""